Georgia’s Lieutenant Governor, Geoff Duncan, is on an ambitious mission to give teachers an additional $10,000 a year to carry guns in schools. This proposal has been met with mixed reactions, but Duncan has said he is confident that the plan could help improve school safety.
The proposal, which is part of Duncan’s larger school safety plan, would give teachers a bonus of $10,000 a year to carry a concealed weapon in school. The idea is to bring more attention to the issue of school safety and ensure that schools have more protection in the event of a school shooting.
Duncan has argued that the proposal is a good way to incentivize teachers to take on the responsibility of carrying a gun in schools. He has also said that the extra money would help to make up for the additional responsibility and training that teachers would be asked to take on in order to carry a gun.
However, not everyone is convinced that this is a good idea. Opponents of the plan have argued that arming teachers is not a good way to prevent school shootings. They have also argued that it could create a more dangerous environment in schools, as teachers may not have the necessary training to handle a gun safely.
In the face of criticism, Duncan has said that he is confident that the plan could help improve school safety. He has argued that teachers can provide a valuable layer of protection in the event of a school shooting, and that the bonus money could help to make up for the additional responsibility and training required.
Duncan has also noted that the proposal is part of a larger school safety plan, which includes measures such as increased mental health services and increased school security. He has said that the proposal is intended to be part of a comprehensive approach to school safety, and that it is not meant to be a standalone solution.
For now, the proposal is still in its early stages and will likely face a lot of debate before it is implemented. It remains to be seen if it will be successful, but it is clear that Lieutenant Governor Duncan is determined to make sure that schools in Georgia are safe and secure.