When you own a car, whether you are an enthusiast or not, you still want to take care of it. This is all the more the case if you need it every day, to get to work for example. So inevitably, it is totally unthinkable to have it stolen or damaged. However, this is the fate that many cars have suffered in recent weeks, as a wave of riots and other violent demonstrations have rocked France. As a result, several hundred cars were destroyed in just a few days and no one was able to do anything. Obviously a very difficult situation for everyone.
Car collisions are more frequent than you might think and they often happen on daily journeys. It is important to know how to react. #Attachment #AssuranceAuto pic.twitter.com/n762b413p4
— C l’Assurance (@ClAssurance) July 6, 2022
A difficult situation
Especially since It is not always possible to rely on your insurance for reimbursement. Because for this, you must have taken out specific protection, which covers fire and degradation. However, few people opt for this type of contract, which can nevertheless be very useful. In most cases, the victims therefore receive no compensation for their car, which therefore ends up being scrapped. And this regardless of the age of the vehicle and whether a credit was in progress to pay it or not. Added to this is the fact that you have to find another car quickly to be able to get to work every day.
Invaluable help
But now a town has decided to come to the aid of the disaster victims. This is Beauvais, also strongly affected by the numerous riots which lasted more than a week, every night. The municipality has decided to set up a solidarity loan of up to 3,000 euros. But that’s not all, because a “pro-acquisition” mobility fund can also be requested, up to 800 euros. Finally, there is also a fund related to business travel costs, up to 120 euros, as well as an “exceptional assistance” of up to 1,000 euros. Help that should be very valuable.
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